
Sanctuary Float Center

Client Overview

Sanctuary Float Center, a premier destination for holistic wellness, sought to amplify its online presence and showcase its extensive range of services designed to naturally restore clients' minds and bodies through float therapy and other wellness offerings. Initially, the project was handed over to us by another agency when the website was still in its infancy. Our challenge was to complete the development using the provided template, wireframe, and content, and to effectively communicate the center's full capabilities and reach.

Project Scope

The primary objectives were to finalize the website development using the provided materials, highlight the diverse services offered by Sanctuary Float Center, ensure the website was user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing, and onboard the center to our monthly hosting plan for continuous support and maintenance.

The Challenge

Sanctuary Float Center needed a comprehensive online platform to effectively communicate its range of services and establish its presence as a leader in holistic wellness. The project was transferred to us mid-development, requiring us to utilize the existing template, wireframe, and content. The website had to showcase the center’s expertise in float therapy, facilitate user engagement through intuitive design, and ensure responsiveness across various devices.

Our Solution

Our team conducted a thorough assessment of the provided materials and developed a detailed project plan to ensure all elements were effectively utilized. We customized the template to align with Sanctuary Float Center's brand identity, implementing a clean, intuitive design that facilitates easy navigation and highlights key service offerings. The content was carefully integrated, using high-quality images and multimedia to showcase the serene environment and unique services. Extensive testing was conducted to rectify any functionality or design issues, leading to a seamless launch. Finally, Sanctuary Float Center was onboarded to our monthly hosting plan, providing continuous support to ensure optimal website performance.


The new website effectively communicates the full range of services offered by Sanctuary Float Center, positioning it as a leader in holistic wellness. The intuitive design and engaging content have led to increased user engagement and longer session durations. Positive client feedback highlights the website's informativeness and ease of navigation. Our ongoing hosting and support plan ensures that the website remains up-to-date and fully functional, allowing Sanctuary Float Center to focus on their core mission of promoting wellness.


The successful completion of the Sanctuary Float Center website project showcases our ability to step in at any stage of development and deliver a finished product that meets and exceeds client expectations. By leveraging the provided materials and adding our expertise in design, development, and content integration, we created a robust online platform that highlights the unique capabilities of Sanctuary Float Center. Our ongoing support ensures that their online presence continues to thrive, contributing to their mission of naturally restoring mind and body through innovative wellness solutions.

For more information on how we can help elevate your digital presence, please contact us.