• features

  • 1. Full Site Audit 2. Improve URL Structure 3. Setup Google Analytics 4. Setup Google Search Console 5. Setup Google Tag Manager 6. Sitemap.xml - Optimization 7. Robots.txt - Optimization 8. Competitor Analysis 9. Keyword Research (Up to 3 keywords for every page) 10. Meta Title - Writing & Implementation 11. Meta Description - Writing & Implementation 12. Meta Keywords - Implementation 13. Image Alt Tags Implementation 14. Image Optimization 15. Meta Tags - Optimization 16. Canonical Tags - Implementation (up to 20 pages Monthly) 17. URL Redirection (Up to 20 pages Monthly)On-Page Optimization
  • Link Building1. Profile Creations - (up to 30 profiles Monthly) 2. Business Listings - (up to 15 listing Monthly) 3. Directory Submissions - (up to 20 submissions Monthly) 4. Social Bookmarking - (up to 30 bookmarking Monthly) 5. Link Wheeling - (up to 30 Monthly) 6. Web 2.0 Submission - (up to 20 submission Monthly) 7. Videos Submissions - (up to 2 Monthly) 8. Forum Submissions - (up to 10 Monthly) 9. Image Submissions - (up to 20 Monthly) 10. Classified Ads - (up to 20 Monthly) 11. Product Listing - (up to 20 Monthly)Link Building
  • Content Marketing1. Blog Submissions - (2 Blogs Monthly) 2. Article Submissions - (2 Submissions Monthly) 3. Micro Blogging - (4 blogs Monthly) 4. Press Release - (1 Monthly) 5. Q/A Submissions - (5 Answers Monthly) 6. Blog Commenting - (5 Comments Monthly)Content Marketing
  • Online Reputation Management1. Online Reputation Monitoring 2. Improve Rating 3. Dominate Negative Result (on Google's SERP) 4. Improve top 5 Platforms: Google My Business, Bing, My Place, Yelp, Facebook & LinkedIn 5. Positive Reviews - Writing & Publishing 6. Respond to Reviews (Positive/Negative)Online Reputation Management
  • Tracking & Reporting1. Track Website Performance (Traffic, User - Behavior, Clicks, CTR & Geo) 2. Taking Care - Crawling/Indexing 3. Prepare Keywords Ranking Report - Weekly 4. Stats Overview - Google My Business Page/ Bing My Place 5. Weekly SEO Update - Report 6. Monthly SEO Updates - ReportTracking & Reporting
  • SMO - Organically1. Social Media Audit 2. Cover top 3 platforms: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn 3. Creative Design 4. 36 Posts - Monthly (both platforms cover 12 posts Monthly) 5. Enhance Brand Awareness 6. Monitor Social Media PerformanceSMO - Organically
  • Starter Package

  • Link Building
  • Content Marketing
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Tracking & Reporting
  • SMO - Organically
  • Regular Package

  • Link Building
  • Content Marketing
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Tracking & Reporting
  • SMO - Organically
  • Enterprise Package

  • Link Building
  • Content Marketing
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Tracking & Reporting
  • SMO - Organically
  • Prime Package

  • Link Building
  • Content Marketing
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Tracking & Reporting
  • SMO - Organically
SEO Questionnaire
Please also provide any additional domains that you may own so that we can ensure all are properly directed


Please provide each physical address for your business that you want to appear on Google Maps. Please also provide a phone number associated with each address.
Indicate main objective for site (i.e. lead generation, increase online sales, increase phone calls, increase traffic, etc.)
Explain your business offerings as well as usage or common application of your product or services.
Who is your target audience? For example: residential, commercial, Institutional, government, kids, men, women, etc.
Please indicate some of the key terms used in your industry. These are the most commonly used business terms which people can look for your business. We would use these key terms as a baseline for our keyword research.
While you may offer multiple products and services, please provide the ones you want to put more focus on, the ones you are best at, your top sellers or most profitable.
Please include website addresses of some of your top competitors. It’s a good idea to include competitors who have a similar business size and model. Larger competitors may have a larger marketing budget or broader portfolio of services.

Key Contact(s) for Content

Who is the person our writer can reach out to on a monthly basis for topics, content, helpful articles and/or guidance for when it comes time to write your press release(s) and blog(s)?
Are there any current blogs, websites or other areas online that you read, or know of, that you can send us to help our writers better understand your business?
Please list anything you are currently doing or you have done in the past for online marketing. Example: SEO, Google AdWords, email marketing, Facebook promotions, banner ads, etc.
If you are currently doing or have done in the past any SEO on the website, please let us know the goals achieved and any rankings you have so that we can ensure our efforts do not cancel your previous ones.
Please provide anything that you feel will help us understand your business better or anything in general you would like to tell us which has not been covered in the questions above.