The Benefits of Website Care Plans
Do you have a website care plan? Sure, you’ve nailed down your brand colors, logo, and overall aesthetics, but do you know if your site is functioning like a well-oiled machine? Is its speed optimized for your customers? Are they able to securely make purchases without a hitch? Can they submit their forms successfully?
These are the pivotal questions that determine your website's value. Don't let website maintenance slip through the cracks… if you aren't sure of the answers, it's probably time to invest in a care plan.
The benefits of website care plans are immeasurable when you consider the risk of hacking, outdated plugins dragging down site speed, and the importance of monitoring for effective lead generation. These plans protect your website from vulnerabilities and boost its overall functionality.
Why is this important? Your website is a tool used to deliver new leads and sales for your business. Whether you sell directly or generate inquiries, your website is the digital foundation for the growth of your brand. With your website being an important sales tool, you need to take good care of it. This typically means keeping the software updated, although there’s a bit more to it than that.
The benefits of investing in a website care plan include:
- Performance of Regular Maintenance: Just like your car or your home, your website needs regular upkeep to function properly. Website maintenance typically includes checking for broken links, ensuring that all forms are working properly, and making sure that the site’s content is up to date.
- Up-To-Date Software: Outdated software can be a security risk, as well as being more susceptible to bugs and other issues. It also may not be compatible with newer devices and browsers, which can lead to a poor user experience. Care plans ensure updated software.
- Reliable Security Monitoring: Cybersecurity is a major concern for businesses of all sizes. If your website is hacked, it could lead to a loss of customer data as well as damage to your reputation. Website care plans typically include security monitoring, which can identify and fix potential security vulnerabilities before they are exploited.
- Dependable Uptime Monitoring: Uptime is the percentage of time that your website is accessible to users. Downtime is when it’s not. This can occur for a variety of reasons, including server outages, power outages, and network problems. Uptime monitoring can help you to identify downtime so that you can take steps to reduce it. If you know that your site is down for an hour every day due to server outages, you can switch to a different server provider.
- Secured Backups: Website backups are essential in case something goes wrong with your site. If your site crashes or is hacked, having a backup will allow you to restore it quickly and easily. Website care plans typically include backups so that you always have a recent copy of your site that you can fall back on.
- Completed Content Updates: Content updates keep your website fresh and up-to-date—hitting higher in the SERPs. They are often part of a website care plan and include things like updating design elements, adding new content to your site, and more.
Having an experienced web developer handle these updates ensures that everything is done correctly. Check out our care plans and start caring for your site today to be sure it's running smoothly for visitors.
If you’re ready to hire a professional to help you take care of your website, just fill out the form below and we’ll help you safeguard your site and keep customers happy!