Web Design Mistakes To Avoid
Some web design mistakes aren’t world-ending, but they can have a negative effect on the experience your website visitors have. You could have the most aesthetic website in the world, a loyal customer base, and a strong social media following, but small, subtle mistakes can make a massive difference to your credibility.
Credibility is something all businesses cherish and your website is a great platform to establish a positive reputation. However, some things can slip through the cracks when it comes to content, and it’s important to pay attention and keep your web pages up to date. Let’s take a look at five common web design mistakes that could impact your user’s experience:
- Outdated Copyright Year: The copyright year in the footer of your website can easily be forgotten when it comes to updates. This is a simple mistake to make, especially at the start of each year. In the worst situations, it can be several years out of date, seriously harming the reliability of your content. Be sure to check this annually!
- Outdated References/Content: Website content that is outdated can lead web visitors to question the authenticity of the website. Outdated web pages can appear unprofessional and disorganized, causing viewers to think that the website has not been maintained or updated in a while. If information is no longer valid or accurate, web visitors can become confused or even frustrated. Make sure your content is regularly updated in order to maintain credibility. Updating web pages with fresh, relevant content will help create a user-friendly website that your web visitors can trust.
- Improper Navigation: Another web design mistake to avoid is having improper navigation. Poorly designed web pages can be difficult to maneuver and make it hard for viewers to find the information they are looking for. Make sure that menus, buttons and search bars are properly labeled and intuitively placed so users can easily explore all parts of the website.
- Outdated Blogs: Content marketing is a key strategy in driving traffic to your website, but many businesses find themselves neglecting this activity after some time and are missing out on its potential benefits. If you haven’t posted new blog content in over 12 months, it could be sending the wrong message to potential customers—that your business may not be current with industry trends. Investing effort into consistent blogging and keeping posts fresh can help ensure that prospects remain interested in what you have to offer!
- 404 Errors: It’s important to check for 404 errors on your website because they can indicate broken links, outdated content, and other issues that could negatively affect the user experience. A 404 error is a status code that indicates a requested page could not be found, often when a user tries to access a broken link or a URL that doesn’t exist. The web browser will display a “404 Not Found” error message for the user. To check for 404 errors on your website, you can use a webmaster tool or plugin to analyze the pages of your site. Once you’ve identified any 404s on your page, it’s important to take action to fix them.
If you’re looking for any assistance identifying and resolving any of these common web design mistakes on your business website, fill out the form below! Our experts at Jason Hunter Design are glad to help you upgrade and maintain your website to keep your customers satisfied.